Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Just got here! - 9.25.12

I am here and I went out tracting already and they wanted me to send you a quick email to let you know I'm alive! Love this!! Even better than I thought! P-days are monday, for now just send stuff to the mission home please. Put the address on my blog. LOVE YOU ALL!!


Elder Cutler

btw my mission president is a stud

*** The mission home address is:

Oklahoma Oklahoma City Mission
416 SW 79th St Ste 210
Oklahoma City, OK 73139-8121
United States 

This will be Elder Cutler's address for the next week or so and I will keep it updated, remember he can't reply to emails outside of family.***

Email - 9.24.12

Hey Everyone!!

So today is Monday the 24th and I leave for Oklahoma City tomorrow!! Dope!! I can't wait to get out in the mission field and begin to serve the Lord out there. It's going to be such a good experience and although it's going to be difficult more times than not, I know my Heavenly Father "gives no commandment save he shall prepare a way for His children to accomplish it" or something like that.... :) So yeah, any letters or packages that were going to be sent to the MTC, please forward them to the Mission Home until I can give you all my permanent address in Oklahoma City. First of all, thank you so much for all the love!! I am so grateful for everyone who has taken time to write me and send me packages. I love to see that you are all so happy!! Especially my mom, kara, Desirae,  the Nymans, and the Malmstroms. Your packages made my day!!! I love the food, although you all are gonna make me so fat!! ;) NAHHHT. And by the way, mom, whoever made those cookies in your package should be exalted immediatly, seriously. Best cookies ever. Ate them in 20 minutes with my companions. So once again, thanks for all the letters, you all are amazing and I pray for you individually on a daily basis. Love you all!!

So my heart is filled with even more excitement and joy and love than before. It just gets better and better the more opportunities I have to serve and lose myself in the service of my God. I have a GREAT story to tell you all. First of all, don't you ever forget that God is a God of miracles. He always has been and always will be. I am seeing them everyday but I want you to tell you about a certain one that is dear to my heart that happened in the course of two days starting on friday and ending on saturday night. Here it goes...

I don't know if i told you this but I was made district leader and so I have a responsibility to interview my members on a regular basis. I love doing it cause I learn so much about them and learn to love them in their individual ways. This on elder had been struggling in our district and as about to go home for reasons I won't specify. He was struggling with some things other than worthiness issues. He was having a hard time. He would never open up to me. He would always tell me he'd be fine even when I asked if he wanted a blessing. I made him my project I guess you could say because he doesnt realize the love heavenly father has for him. He is SUCH an amazing kid. So anyways, Friday night I went up to talk to Seth, but had the impression to walk back down the stairs and go interview my district even though I was going to do it Saturday. I ignored it and kept walking but then had it again. So I turned around and walked back the stairs to my room to start interviewing Elder White. The impression came again, "go interview (this elder who wants to go home) now". So I turned around again and grabbed him and asked if we could go talk. Long story short, the spirit took over. I said things that I wasnt planning on saying and he FINALLY BROKE!! God answered my prayer, and the holy ghost gave me the exact things I needed to say. We talked for 30 minutes til we had to go to bed and then he asked me for a blessing tearing up. I said we would do it tomorrow. I got back into my room and thanked my Heavenly Father with all my heart. I was so excited for this Elder. I knelt down and began a fast with my companion for this elder so that he would be able to feel comforted and know what he was supposed to do and so that I would know what Heavenly Father wanted me to say in the blessing. So next day came, saturday, and we fasted all day until we gave him a blessing. 

I pulled him out of the room and asked if he wanted to do it now. He said yes. I asked if the other elders could join in another room so there would be more faith. He said yes. Going into that room I felt the power of the Spirit in me unlike ever before. We got into the room and I asked if we could say a prayer. In the prayer I simply asked that Heavenly Father's spirit would be there and that angels would attend each of us. After, he sat down and we laid our hands on his head and I gave him a blessing. Let me tell you that I know that the priesthood power is real. The spirit of God is real. Angels are REAL. They had their hands on my shoulders as we stood in the circle. The blessing lasted about 15 minutes and we were all in tears after. I know that there were angels inside the room. There were other hands on this elders head other than ours. Miracles do happen. They require the strongest faith and the spirit must be present. This certain elder got up and gave us the biggest hug and told us he knew he needed to stay and that he felt a comfort and peace unlike anything other. Miracles do happen. Pray to your Heavenly Father, he answers prayers. He LOVES us. He loves you INDIVIDUALLY and very PERSONALLY. Believe it!! Jesus Christ died on the cross for not just our sins, but all of our lonliness and sadness. Please, please please find out for yourselves. The love of God and Jesus Christ is the BEST feeling in the world. Serve them!! Follow them!! obey them!! Choose the right!!! I can't even put in words how important it is!!! 

Anyways, everything's going great!! I have so much other things to tell but my 30 minutes is up. Gotta get back to work ;). Please keep me in your prayers, haha I have to get rid of this sickness. I have had walking phnemonia and now I have bronchitis. I'm slowly dying, but I have never felt more happy or at peace in my life. Then again, it's not about me. Return with honor. Choose the right. Read the Book of MOrmon and do whatever it takes young men to get clean and stay pure so that you can use your priesthood power that God has given you and serve missions someday. Do WHATEVER IT TAKES. (Young men and anyone else reading this, go watch "Stay within the Lines" by elder holland on youtube in mormon messages. now.)

Love you all. 

Write back!!

Elder Cutler

Infinite and Eternal Atonement - 9.20.12

[a letter from Elder Cutler]

The Infinite & Eternal Atonement

Today as I sit and think and ponder on the atonement, the spirit testifies of its divine nature. I feel
inclined to write you today and share my thoughts and knowledge about that “great and last sacrifice,
yea not a sacrifice of man, neither of beast, neither of any manner of fowl; for it shall not be a human
sacrifice; but it must be an infinite and eternal sacrifice.” (Alma 34:10)

I have been learning a lot about the atonement recently because truly it is the central component to
the plan of salvation which is everything. Without the atonement, we are nothing and cannot become
anything. If there is no atonement we would be “cut dead both to things temporal and spiritual.”
(Helaman 14:16) But through Christ and his Atonement “shall be made alive.”(1 Cor. 15:22)

So why do we really need an “Atonement” other than the fact that we’ve always been told so. “Adam
fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy.” (2 Nephi 2:25) When Adam and Eve
partook of the fruit in the Garden of Eden, they transgressed the law but did so that we may have
joy. If they would not have partaken of the fruit, we would not be able to know right from wrong
and ultimately choose between happiness and sin, between “liberty and eternal life… or to choose
captivity and death.” (2 Nephi 2:27) Because of the fall, we could know sin and no one would be perfect.
Heavenly Father abides by laws or else he would “cease to be God.” Now because of this fall, “by law no
flesh is justified, or by the law men are cut off. Yea by the temporal law they were cut off; and also by
the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.” (2 Nephi 2:5) This
means that because we sin on earth, we are cut off from the presence of the Lord because “no unclean
thing can enter into his Kingdom” and if there was no atonement made “therefore nothing can enter
into his rest.” (3 Nephi 27:19) The law of justice demands that a penalty must be paid for every sin we
commit. That is why we need an Atonement, a Savior, a Redeemer, or a Great Mediator who will act as
an intercessor between us and our Father in Heaven.

Jesus Christ was the only one able to perform such an atonement because:

1. He was foreordained in the pre-existence.
2. He was the “literal” Son of God (Alma 34:14)
3. He is/was perfect
4. He is infinite (Alma 34)

How did it work then? How are we able to be saved? “He offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer
the ends of the law.” (2 Nephi 2:7) Jesus Christ said that he would sacrifice himself for all our sins and
show mercy to those who believe in Him. He would essentially suffer the sin for us; almost commit it for
us, except he was sinless and perfect.

So what does that entail “to suffer,” or “sacrifice” for all of us? What does that truly mean? I guess this
is where I have learned the most recently. I have learned a little more each day what he miraculously did
for us in Gethsemane, on Calvary and by being resurrected.

His pain was unreal. “How sore you know not, how exquisite you know not, yea how hard to bear you
know not. For behold, I, God have suffered these things for all that they might not suffer…” (D&C 19:15-
16) try and imagine the pain and the agony he was in, “which suffering caused myself, even God, the
greatest of all to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and
spirit.” (D&C 19:18) have you ever been in so much pain that your body trembles? Did you know that
if you steam rolled someone up to their ribs, they would only bleed from one pore from the pressure?
Do you know how many pores you have? Do you realize how painful bleeding from one pore is? All this
in Gethsemane for us, “suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind, and this that the
word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.”
(Alma 7:11)

So we know that he suffered for our sins. But that’s not all, in fact not even close. “For in that, he put all
in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him…” (Hebrews 2:8) KEYWORD: nothing.
There is nothing that he did not feel. There is nothing he did not experience. He had to experience it
all so that he would know how to comfort us in our times of need whenever that may be. Although
he suffered for our sins, he also experienced the Full Circle of the sin including all of its guilt and
ramifications. All of the sins negative consequences became his. He transcended above all of us in His
resurrection and descended below all of us in Gethsemane and on the Cross. He experienced, full circle,
everything we could ever feel. He knelt in Gethsemane and saw our faces, one by one and took upon
Him every pain, every guilt, every sorrow, every sin or every negative feeling we have ever had. It’s

After Gethsemane, after He took upon Him the pains of the world, it did not stop there. In fact 3 of
his dearest apostles couldn’t even stay awake with Him in Gethsemane, and then after that, He was
betrayed by one, Judas. In the lowest time of His life, most of even his good friends, abandoned Him.
Do you think He knows what you feel like when you’re feeling lonely? If not, there’s more, for when He
was on the cross, and after all was said and done, at the lowest pain of his life, He asked the Father, “My
God, My God why hast thou forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34) do we not feel sometimes like God has
forgotten us? Do we ever feel lonely? Jesus did. And he did it for us.

Now, we can use this Atonement for everything! Anything we need strength for, Christ can give it
because he was the greatest of us all. When you feel sad, lonely, frustrated, guilty, or you are just having
a bad day, remember this scripture “The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater
than he?” (D&C 122:8) he can take away your sins, your guilt and comfort you when you need comfort,
but only if we let Him. We must repent, and we must realize that He did this all out of love, for us. What
enabled Him to do this was His character, or the character of Christ, which I will explain in my next
letter! Without the character of Christ, no atonement could have been possible.

I want to testify to whoever reads this of the powerful nature of the atonement. Although I am not
perfect, I do have a perfect knowledge of its divinity. The atonement was the greatest event that has
ever happened on this earth. Jesus Christ loves you very personally; in fact He saw your face while he
was suffering for you! The atonement can give you comfort when you feel like everyone has betrayed
you, when you feel like you are the saddest you’ve ever been, when you feel like you have sinned so

deeply that there is no turning back, because remember that Christ was betrayed by his best friends.
And even all those He died for, He felt loneliness like you will never experience upon the cross, He felt
the sins of the whole world and then some or His final words were “Father, forgive them for they know
not what they do.” He felt the pain like you have never experienced, but then he also felt the pain like
you have experienced, because he experienced it all. I want you to know that I love my Savior more than anything else in this whole wide world. It brings chills to me and tears to my eyes to know that he would do that for me. “What comfort this sweet sentence gives, He lives, He lives who once was dead.” Do not ever turn your back on Him! Do everything you can to always serve Him. Follow Him and you will find peace and happiness! I say this in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Email - 9.18.12

How is everyone!?!

There is so much I want to tell everyone about the MTC and all the experiences I am having. I seriously love the way I feel out here. I love learning and I have never learned so much. It gets better and better each day out here and I learn even more the next day. Truly, the Book of Mormon is the most correct book on this earth. It has seriously become my "best friend". If you are feeling lonely or sad or down on yourself, READ THE BOOK OF MORMON!! It will help you feel so much better and it will answer every question that you have. Just a thought.

First off, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to mom and kara!! You both are freaking awesome for sending me those packages!! I was so excited when I opened them and saw what was in there. You both are the best!! Thank you to everyone who has written me and taken time out of their day just to say hi. It means so much and makes me so happy to hear that all of you are so happy!! I love all you guys!! All of you who haven't...Alex, Chris, Amber better follow through. ;)

So here's whats been going on!! I leave one week from today and I depart Salt Lake City, Utah at 7:30 am and have a lay over in Denver from 8:52 am to 10:35 am and I will finally arrive in Oklahoma City at 1:00 pm. Crazy!! So I will call home on my layover and when I get into SLC airport cause we are allowed to. I'm excited to hear you all!! Time has gone by so fast and it's about to get real!! I cannot wait to teach the people of Oklahoma City!! Teach them what I am coming to love more and more each day!! Teach them about the Book of Mormon which is the keystone to our religion and has amazing powers!! Teach them about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ about His love for us and the sacrifice that He made for us. He truly loves us and I testify and witness that I have felt that love and it is the best feeling in the whole entire world. 

So what else, I play soccer about everyday in gym with a bunch of elders who are going to Korea on their missions. Desirae, Elder Clawson from back home is one of them, he says hi. Love the kid. But then other than soccer, I am just reading everything I can. I am reading the Book of Mormon AGAIN and I get something new everytime. READ IT!! It will bring you closer to Christ. I have committed today (because of a challenge from a talk we heard) to read the Book of Mormon everyday for the rest of my life. The guy who spoke has gone 40 years without missing a day and you can tell the light he has about him. Any takers to take the challenge with me? :) 

So I hear a GREAT indian joke!!! Had to tell it right?! So you go up to an indian and just tell them to stop recording you....hahahahahahhahahahaha!!! Get it?! If you do, imagine how much i laughed. I DIED. HILARIOUS!!! SO FUNNY!! So my district is doing amazing!! We are learning so much about the Book of Mormon, the atonement and the gospel. Oh, I almost forgot!! I have had walking phnuemonia for the past week and I go to the doctor for the 3rd time today (however you spell it) and you know what?! I couldn't be any happier!! haha!! It hurts so bad and I feel so sick but I can't explain the happiness and the joy I feel. I am so grateful to have this opportunity. God has blessed me with so much and I feel honored to have been entrusted with this calling as Elder. 

So something that I learned this week. It's about the Character of Christ. If you read this, go and read the talk Elder Bednar gave on the "Character of Christ". It will change your life. I learned so much. Here's a little sneak peak. So my first week here I loved it. I loved serving other people but sometimes I would go through those 5 minute spurts where I would miss my amazing family, my amazing girl, and my freaking awesome friends so much. I would wonder what I was missing out on and worry about what other people would be doing while I am out here 6 hours in a class room and then 4 hours of straight teaching and studying. You know what? It DOESN'T MATTER!! It's not about me at all. I needed to get over myself in those 5 minutes!! Who cares!! This mission is not about me!!! I am here to serve!! And that's just what the Character of Christ is about. Christ in gethsemane and on the cross in His darkest hour did not once think about himself. In gethsemane, he healed the soldiers ear when Peter cut it off....AFTER they had arrested him and Judas had betrayed him and he had SUFFERED FOR ALL THE SINS of the world. He was concerned about a miniscule little ear. On the cross after he was beaten, after he had been betrayed, after he had been spit on by the people he was dying and suffering for, and after he had taken upon all the sins of the world...he said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. He was worried about others. Not himself. So I thought to myself, why can't I be like that. Good question, it's because of the natural man. The natural man is an enemy to God. When we sin, we do it out of self gratification. Me me me me. Sin=to turn away from God and to turn inside to ourselves. How can we become like Christ? Repent=to turn to God and turn away from ourselves. Repent and come unto Christ. Stop thinking about yourself. It's not about you ever!! If you are wondering whether or not to go on a mission because you're scared it will be hard or whether or not you're gonna miss out on some elite scholarship, or whether your girlfriend is going to wait for you, I have some advice. GET OVER YOURSELF. Seriously. It's not about you. It's about the people you will be serving. It's about God. It's about others. Throw off the natural man and think about others before you think about yourself. You will be blessed. You will be happier. You will feel the love of Jesus Christ. It's what life is all about. It has changed me as I have changed my mindset since I have been in here. Sure I could've stayed and played soccer and maybe even professionally, I could've gotten ahead in school, and I could be making alot of money. I don't know where I will be in two years or who will be there when I get home. But guess what?! It doesn't matter right now. It's not about me. Read the talk. Seriously, it is the best thing I have ever heard. Anyways, just something that I learned. I will write other lettters just not on email about other things. 

Please write!! I am interested i knowing how you're doing and I have so much I want to tell you all about how amazing this Gospel is!! Everyone needs it!! Its true!! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true!! Jesus Christ, the cornerstone of our church is the Savior of the world and He loves us so much!! He suffered for every pain, sorrow, guilty feeling, or sin that we have ever commited or felt. He saw us personally as He knelt in gethsemane and suffered for it all and bled from every pore. I know that the Book of Mormon is true!! I love it so much! It has all the answers I ever need and that you ever need. I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers and I am so humbled to know that he loves me so much. I can't wait for these next two years. I say all this in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 


Elder Cutler

btw, cough....jantzen, colby, romy, jadon....anyone else, I LOVE having gym at 9:30 am on wednesdays, 7 pm on thursdays and 7 pm on saturday. I LOVE it.... :) cough cough. soccer cough BYU soccer cough.
romy, congrats on the goal btw, you're not sick.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Elder Cutler sent us a memory card with a bunch of pictures on it! 

Looks like he's having a great time! (:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Email: 9.12.12

Hey everyone!!! :) I don't really know where to begin. I hope you all are doing awesome. As I write this letter I have never felt happier hearing from all of you. I absolutely love what I am doing here. I have seriously never learned so much in my whole entire life! It's awesome because I really have to completely change my whole life. MTC= Make the Change. It was hard the first day but I sucked it up and realized that it was time to put "childish things away" as Paul would say.

By the way!! Everyone send letters to or my address here which is MTC Mailbox # 187 OK-OKL 0925 2005 N. 900 E. provo utah 84604-1793. Send them to DEARELDER please becauise then I have time to respond!! I only get 30 minutes on email a day and I can only respond to family. Rules are rules ;)

So let me tell you about the first couple of days in the MTC. I got here and I had no clue what I had gotten myself into. I went to bed the first night dreading my mission because 2 years seemed so long. So I did what any desperate person would...I got on my knees and I prayed tha hardest I had ever prayed in my life. I felt good after that but I was still searching for some kind of answer and although it didn't come right when I wanted it, it came the next day when I met with my distric president. Not only does God answer and hear all of our prayers, but he answers them in his own time. I thought it was pretty cool. I was very humbled by something so simple. So Next day came along and let me tell you, i have NEVER been busier. I wake up at 6:30 every morning, eat for 30 minutes and then we teach real investigators and sit in class and learn and study until 9;30 pm when we can go back to our rooms. We get and hour for lunch and an hour for dinner and of course...and hour for soccer!! So I am living with 4 other guys and they are so amazing!!! My companion is Elder Matthews and the other two are Elder White and Elder Traahsdahl. They are my best friends here and we have had so many experiences already!! So Elder Matthews my companion looks exactly like Tom Hardy from warrior...Its kind of scary. Elder White looks like the Bear from the Charmin Toilet Paper commercials and Elder Traahsdahl looks like the giraffe from Madagascar and I look like the hamster...of course. Love them all. I was made district leader over my district the first day out here and I is such a blessing to learn how to serve my District. I have 6 Elders and 4 Sisters. They are so inspirational and I am learning so much from them. I will send my pictures soon. Ummmm, what else, oh yeah!! I have a guy in my district who looks EXACTLYlike the Geico Gecko!!! When I send pictures, you'll have to see if you can spy him :). Other than that, I'm just getting huge and studying my butt off. I feel like there isn't enough time in the day to get everything done. I wish I had all day to study and read my scriptures and tech investigators.

So another story. Investigators come into the MTC everyday and we have to teach them the discussions just like normal missionaries would. On our third day, me and Elder Matthews were teaching a guy named Keon and we taught him about Jesus Christ and the Doctrine of Christ and why it was so important to us as individuals. I have never felt the spirit so strong so I invited him to be baptized and he said yes!! It is the best feeling in the world knowing that someone gets the happiness that you have. It is the best feeling ever!! When we teach by the spirit and tell people to come to Christ, there is no better feeling then seeing their eyes light up. That's when you know that a miracle has taken place and the spirit truly was there.

Also, Dad, I know you and most others reading this will never believe this, but I have learned to love obedience. I love it. It blesses our lives and truly shows our love for Heavenly Father. In 2 Nephi 31:10 it says that if we are not willing to be completely obedient to God's commandments thatn it is impossible to truly love Jesus Christ. Its as simple as that. "If you love me, keep my commmandments". I truly testify of the power of obedience. I fall asleep at 11 every night adn get up at 6:30 and have about a 16 hour day. There is no way I would be awake if I had not gained extra from my Heavenly Father through obedience. He gives us power as we are obedient because when we are obedient then we can have the spirit with us. I don't even remember what a nap is, all i remember is that they sound amazing sometimes. I also testify in the name of Jesus Christ that strict obedience to the laws and commandments and rules will result in real miracles. I see them everyday because of it and I am not even in the field (which btw, I CANNOT WAIT!!!!) yet.

I also want all of you who are deciding to go on a mission or those of you who aren't sure to listen to this. I testify to you today that a calling to be a missionary is a divine and sacred calling of God. Think of it this way. The purpose of a missionary is to bring others to Christ. Heavenly Fathers goal in Moses 1:39 is "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man". If you think about it in retrospect, us as missionaries have the same purpose. To help others come to Christ so that the "gates to eternal life" can be opened to them. In 2 Nephi 31 it talks about the Doctrine of Christ which is to have faith on his name so that we can repent and be baptized and receive a remission of our sins through baptissm by fire by the laying on of Hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. After that we must endure to the end. Jesus Christ's purpose is for us to come unto him and be baptized, and faith, repentance, baptism, confirmation and enduring to the end is the only way to eternal life. Then in 2 Nephi 31:21 it says that the Doctrine of Christ is the "only and true doctrine of the Father and or the Son and of the Holy Ghost which is one God, without end." They are all one in purpose to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man and so do I become one with Them as I am set apart as a missionary. Go on a mission. God will truly help you. He pays attention to all of us. He loves us and needs us as missionaries to bring others that happiness and hope that Christ can bring to everyone. Theres so much more to say but I need to go. I am going to the temple today at 2. I can't wait!!! Love you all!! Choose the right, be obedient and pray!!

Send letters so I can respond. I need addresses too.


Elder Cutler

I am so excited to share this message with the world and I know that my savior lives and that His Atonement is central to the plan of happiness. Those of you who don't, read the Book of Mormon and then pray to know if it's true and you will recieve an answer. Please. Do it. I promise that it is the most powerful book and the most true book on the earth today. I love all of you!! I love serving my Heavenly Father!! Keep me in your prayers and my district!! 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Last night Dallin was set apart as a full time missionary - his first "companion" is my Dad, according to the Stake President. (:

{Elder Cutler on September 4th 2012, the night before he reported to the MTC}

Elder Cutler reported to the Missionary Training Center (aka MTC) today, September 5th, 2012 at 12:30pm. 
On the way!

His childhood best friend was there as a missionary greeter and he was able to greet and help Dallin.
In about 3 weeks he will make his way to the Oklahoma City, OK mission. 

We sure are gonna miss Elder Cutler! (: